Jones International University

Finance & Marketing Programs

Doctor of Marketing

The Doctor of Marketing (Ph.D.) objective is to help students prepare for a career in marketing by providing the right tools and knowledge. Also by having a Ph.D. the students can choose to do academic research or teach in their chosen field. The Marketing program is designed to advance the professional development of experienced Marketing graduates and professionals in the Marketing arena by extending their knowledge and equipping them with broad research and process Marketing skills, enabling them to make a key leadership contribution to their chosen fields.

JUI’s Doctorate degree goes one step further by allowing students to study and research multiple key areas of computer science to develop a unique foundation of practical knowledge and computer science theory.

Your JUI Doctorate program in Marketing will be a custom-made program, designed just for you by you and your advisor. This flexibility to meet your needs is seldom found in other learning programs. Our program does not require every student to study the same subjects and use the same books and other learning materials as every other student. Instead, our Doctoral programs are designed just for you. They are individually designed to meet your needs and help you to reach your professional and personal goals.

Doctorate in Finance

The Doctor of Finance (Ph.D.) objective is to produce high-quality scholars by preparing them for successful academic professions and to help them develop an understanding of the methods used in theoretical modeling and empirical testing. The Finance program’s core finance areas of study include asset pricing, investments, corporate finance, and financial intermediation. The Finance program is designed to advance the professional development of experienced finance graduates and professionals in the finance arena by extending their knowledge and equipping them with broad research and process finance skills, enabling them to make a key leadership contribution to their chosen fields.

The Ph.D. program in Finance will facilitate the creation and interpretation of new knowledge by the research student, demonstrated through the thesis. The taught component is designed to ensure that doctoral researchers understand the breadth of techniques used in modern social science research.

Doctoral researchers will be capable of analyzing a range of data using a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques. They will be able to explain theories underlying different approaches to social science research. Doctoral researchers are expected to participate to the fullest possible extent in the life of the Department of Finance and the Business School. This means attending seminars organized by the Department of Finance and more widely in the Business School thereby helping expose doctoral researchers to new ideas emanating from outside their own area of specialization. It also requires actively participating in Ph.D. workshops and conferences organized by the Department of Finance, the Business School, and Graduate School as well as institutions outside the Jones International University.

Doctoral researchers may choose to become academics, work in Government, businesses, supranational organizations, or in the research arms of major financial institutions. They are expected to achieve a substantial understanding of contemporaneous financial and business issues enabling them to take a lead in ongoing debates within society. They will be aware of and understand the function of related institutions at both a national and international level.

Ph.D. in Banking and Finance

JUI’s Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Banking & Finance will prepare you to become a globally focused and socially engaged research leader. You’ll join a cohort of high-achieving research students and benefit from interdisciplinary engagement with your cohort. This is your opportunity to become integrated into the JUI’s Business School’s community of scholars.

You’ll first undertake rigorous coursework covering topics such as corporate finance, corporate governance, asset pricing, and microeconomic analysis. As part of the program, you’ll also be involved in research projects from an early stage. This research training will equip you with the skills required to identify, analyze and solve problems in the field.

You’ll then pursue full-time research under the supervision of high-profile JUI’s academics, culminating in a doctoral thesis. There will also be exciting opportunities to develop your teaching portfolio.

Your Ph.D. thesis will showcase your research skills and enable you to make an original contribution to knowledge in your field.

Ph.D. in Finance

The field of finance covers the economics of claims on resources. Financial economists study the valuation of these claims, the markets in which they are traded, and their use by individuals, corporations, and the society at large.

At JUI, finance faculty and doctoral students study a wide spectrum of financial topics, including the pricing and valuation of assets, the behavior of financial markets, and the structure and financial decision-making of firms and financial intermediaries.

Investigation of issues arising in these areas is pursued both through the development of theoretical models and through the empirical testing of those models. The Ph.D. program is designed to give students a good understanding of the methods used in theoretical modeling and empirical testing.

Preparation and Qualifications
All students are required to have, or to obtain during their first year, mathematical skills at the level of one year of calculus and one course each in linear algebra and matrix theory, theory of probability, and statistical inference.

Students are expected to have adequate programming skills using languages such as Fortran, C, MATLAB, or GAUSS, or to correct any deficiencies before enrolling at JIU.

The Ph.D. program in finance involves a great deal of very hard work, and there is keen competition for admission. For both these reasons, the faculty is selective in offering admission. Prospective applicants must have an aptitude for quantitative work and be at ease in handling formal models. A strong background in economics and college-level mathematics is desirable.

It is particularly important to realize that a Ph.D. in finance is not a higher-level MBA, but an advanced, academically oriented degree in financial economics, with a reflective and analytical, rather than operational, viewpoint.

Ph.D. in Financial Management

This field is concerned with the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies and procedures surrounding the use of resources and raising revenues by public and nonprofit entities. The primary emphasis is on nonprofit and healthcare organizations, and state and local governmental bodies, although some attention is given to the federal government and international settings as well.

Microeconomics is the most important disciplinary background for the field. Principles of efficient resource allocation as well as equity in outcome are used to analyze both the internal operations of organizations and their external environment. In other words, the study of (1) financial management (internal to the organization), and (2) public finance (external to the organization) are combined. Common methodologies used to study finance issues are multivariate statistical analysis, techniques of managerial accounting, and finance and case studies. Students in the public finance and financial management field must complete the modules in microeconomic analysis and in applied statistics and econometrics.

Research in the areas of public finance and financial management often requires the depth of knowledge in a specific area, such as education finance, financial management of nonprofit organizations, or tax policy. Such depth of knowledge involves both a foundation gained from coursework, as well as significant study of literature beyond the material covered in coursework.

Ph.D. in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Do you want to focus your research on entrepreneurship, strategy, leadership, family business or innovation, and benefit from cutting-edge insights from research-active staff? We are the most research-intensive business school in Centennial, according to the latest Research Excellence Framework. In our welcoming environment, ideas can flourish and connections can be made.

We pride ourselves on offering a strong learning environment. You will have access to state-of-the-art computing facilities, IT support, and dedicated office space. There will be opportunities to participate in various seminar series, workshops, and conferences. You will also be able to access advanced training courses.

As we have a strong focus on practice, we will expect your doctoral research to have an impact on practitioners as well as being theoretically thorough.

As a Ph.D. student, you will study topics related to research design in management, including qualitative and quantitative research methods and research ethics. Subject experts will guide and supervise you during your Ph.D. program.

In addition to your thesis, an oral examination will form an integral part of the assessment of your doctoral research.

Ph.D. in Banking and Finance

Ph.D. (Banking & Finance) is a doctoral-level course. The doctoral course centered on the topics of financial and economic theory, stock exchanges, banking, etc. This program also connected with areas like economy at National and International levels and investment. For this candidates must be very hardworking and must possess the capacity of independent study and thought.

Through this course, candidates can make their careers in various fields. The course is suitable for those candidates who are desirous of making their career in the banking and financial sector and are ready for doing some kind of research work for the betterment of the banking area. On completion of Ph.D. in Banking and Finance, course candidates have various job opportunities in various fields. The course syllabus helps candidates in learning about the latest reforms in the banking sector so that they can also present towards the betterment of the economy and financial sector of the nation.

Ph.D. (Banking & Finance) Employment Zone:
Lecturer/ Teacher   
Credit Control Manager     
Stock Broker
Customer Relationship Executive         

Ph.D. (Banking & Finance) Job Position:
Credit Control Manager
Teacher/ Lecturer/ Researcher
Financial Manager
Customer Relationship Executive

Ph.D. in Digital Marketing

The Ph.D. degree in Marketing at Jones International University is a research degree that prepares students for academic positions at top research universities. Students can specialize in either the behavioral (psychology-based) or quantitative (economics, statistics and machine learning-based) approaches to digital marketing.

Students interested in the psychological aspects of consumer behavior–how consumers make decisions, how they react to Marketing stimuli–choose the consumer behavior track. Students with a quantitative background, who are interested in theoretical or empirical analysis of applied marketing problems choose the quantitative marketing track.

The marketing faculty at JIU is an ideal blend of junior and senior faculty whose research interests span both the quantitative and behavioral areas. They are all productive researchers who are highly regarded in the academic marketing community. Each of the faculty members—both junior and senior– works actively with doctoral students.

Apart from the faculty in the marketing area, a doctoral student can draw on the expertise of other faculty members at JIU. Several of these faculty members have worked with marketing faculty and doctoral students either at JIU or at other universities.

Ph.D. in Marketing

Doctoral researchers will be capable of analyzing a range of data using a range of qualitative and quantitative techniques. They will be able to explain theories underlying different approaches to social science research. Doctoral researchers are expected to participate to the fullest possible extent in the life of the Department of Marketing and the Business School. This means attending seminars organized by the Department of Marketing and more widely in the Business School thereby helping expose doctoral researchers to new ideas emanating from outside their own area of specialization. It also requires actively participating in Ph.D. workshops and conferences organized by the Department of Marketing, the Business School, and Graduate School as well as institutions outside Jones International.

Ultimately all doctoral researchers will have the ability to characterize and solve business and marketing problems using advanced research tools. They should be able to derive policy implications from their research and communicate these to policymakers, practitioners, and other academics in a manner that is comprehensible. They will also be able to peer review others’ research offer constructive criticism and extend the frontiers of the discipline through their own innovative research.

Doctoral researchers may choose to become academics, work in Government, businesses, supranational organizations, or in the research arms of major financial institutions. They are expected to achieve a substantial understanding of contemporaneous marketing and business issues enabling them to take a lead in ongoing debates within society. They will be aware of and understand the function of related institutions at both a national and international level.